Keep Ontario Place public

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Ontario Place was built to be a public space for public interest. Its redevelopment is an opportunity to preserve and expand the public resource it was always meant to be. To create a giant urban park that could help mitigate the effects of climate change.

Instead we’re getting a massive spa complex, an expanded concert venue, and a 2,000+ space parking lot that will take out 850 trees.

In short, publicly owned land is being rented out to a private corporation for an undisclosed amount. Just like Ford’s shadowy Greenbelt development schemes, decisions that impact all of us are being made behind closed doors.

Public land is for public enjoyment – not parking lots and private spas. This redevelopment is a chance to build an innovative, sustainable space that will be admired for decades to come. It’s an opportunity that may never come around again. We can’t afford to make such a devastating mistake.

Will you join us in telling Ford’s ministers of tourism and infrastructure to scrap their current plan and preserve Ontario Place as a treasured public space for future generations?

You can submit this letter as-is or change it to reflect your own priorities. Your comment will be forwarded with the subject line "Keep Ontario Place Public", including your name, email and postal code to Premier Ford and Ministers Lumsden and Surma. You will also be added to the GPO mailing list but you can unsubscribe at any time.