Speak out against legalized animal cruelty

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Penned dog hunting facilities are inhumane. Trapping wild animals only to bring them to enclosures so they can be chased by packs of dogs goes against basic conservation principles and basic morality.

No other province still allows these facilities to operate. Instead of doing the right thing and closing down the few that remain, the Ford government wants to give new facilities a chance to obtain licenses for this cruel practice.

But we can’t let pressure from a small group of hunters outweigh our duty to protect wildlife.

These facilities were wrong when they were first built, they were wrong in 1997 when the government banned new licenses, and they’re wrong now.

Penned dog hunting has no place in Ontario.

Ontario Greens are calling on the Ford government to strike schedule 14 from bill 91 and close down existing facilities.

Will you join us?

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